They must drink quite heavily at Cannes
26 April 2008
The audience gave a standing ovation at Cannes for THIS? But I can understand if the audience was three sheets to the wind after a gala luncheon where the bubbly flowed prodigiously. For those of us who have ever had way too many happy refreshments during an exciting, fun filled party with lots of laughs, we know it's rather easy to end up falling in love with some pretty sad characters. Then comes the morning after, the headaches, stomachaches, and the REGRETS, especially when you look at your bed partner and wonder how your judgment got so bad and you swear, you'll never drink so much or be so stupid again. Did any of those who clapped so enthusiastically feel a little like this later, after more thoughtful reflection?

And what about the leads? Were they tipping the spirits a little heavy as they read this script and agreed to do this cliché filled, overly melodramatic, contrived vehicle? I certainly can believe they may have found it necessary to be half tossed just to be able to say the lame, predictable lines they had to speak. I kind of hope they were all in the bag as they filmed this, otherwise I will be forced to look rather dimly at the quality of decision making that Joaquin Phoenix, Mark Wahlberg and Robert Duvall make regarding the roles they choose. Is there such an enormous lack of good material they have to choose things like this? Perhaps they went in somewhat blindly, thinking if the others are in, it must be decent. I hope they're all not so busy and/or greedy for the cash that they'll go in without reading the script or despite it. Quite frankly, even those who are a little cock-eyed from too much libation would probably be able to see right through this lame material, no matter how much their vision blurred.

Granted it's attractively filmed and these respectable actors give respectable performances, but it's clearly material that is quite sub-par for the quality of the cast and production. What a waste.

A suggestion for those who attend Cannes in the future, stick to ginger ale, you'll feel substantially better the next day and won't have to feel embarrassed the morning after regarding how foolish you were the night before. Besides, you might spare others from having to sit through your recommendations who won't be drunk and will see bad date films such as this for what they are. As for me, what little credit I attributed to your opinion I will withdraw in the future, so you know when I recommend you stay sober I'm really offering you the suggestion strictly as a friendly bit of advice for your own good.
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