The Girls Next Door: Meet the Girls (2005)
Season 1, Episode 1
Fly on the wall at a seedy place
22 April 2008
This is not as bad as one would imagine. It has the obligatory hoards of women living in Hugh's fantasy land. Often chemical blonde and pneumatic. Obviously this program appeals immediately to a certain group and that was clearly discussed for 2 seconds, at the board meeting before approaching Hef with a big pay cheque.

Each episode looks at what's happening in the girls life at that time. For instance Kendra finds Christmas rather stressful. Your still stuck with the problem that this some kind of Disneyland gone wrong with a bunch of people with too much money and pampering and not enough activity in their minds. And its that that makes the whole Bunny Mansion a bit sinister. None of these are rocket scientists, but there has too be more to life than, "Oh my God, my extensions, my nails!"

The program provides a real life version of the 'Stepford Wives' syndrome and can be viewed as an psychology study- as well as anatomical one
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