Hysterical Sarah Marshall
20 April 2008
In a hysterical scene, Sarah Marshall (gorgeous Kristen Bell) complains that ex-boyfriend Peter (Jason Segal) can't "rise' to the occasion in an intimate tryst. In reply Peter (Segal) screams, "Could it be that you broke my heart into a million pieces?" I was laughing so hard at this, and at all of Director Nicholas Stoller's "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". Jason Segal also wrote the screenplay for "Sarah Marshall" which is probably the year's funniest movie. Segal is funny as Peter, and his script is smart, hilariously on point, and really very sweet. Segal as Peter also sings in Count Dracula affect a song from his angst ridden rock opera about Dracula, which Peter always envisioned with hand puppets. There is a kabuki-like performance of his play that has got to be one the most inventively funny moments in years. The punch-line for Peter is that he admits someone pointed out that a Dracula rock opera was funny. "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" is a wonderful surprise. Peter Segal is going to be a star. As Peter he plays a sweet vulnerable guy recovering from a break up. He is about as vulnerable as can be with his numerous full frontal scenes in hilarious effect.

Peter's girl friend of 4 years is Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell). Sarah is a big time TV star on some "CSI" clone crime show. Here Billy Baldwin makes a great cameo as her ridiculous detective co-star. Peter writes the musical score for the show. Peter and Sarah are Hollywood's next power couple. However, this is about to end. Sarah breaks up with a literally naked Peter. Sarah pleads with Peter to put some clothes on. Peter asks if he puts some clothes on, will she not break up with him. Sarah reluctantly cops to seeing someone else. Peter discovers from "Entertainment Tonight" Sarah's new man is British rock star Aldous Snow (spaced-out cool Russell Brand). Peter's step brother Brian (charmingly geeky Bill Hader) urges Peter to move on. However, even meaningless sex reminds Peter of Sarah, and makes him weep. Dude has it bad. So Peter decides to take a vacation to Hawaii to get away from it all, only to find that he is at the same North Shore hotel as Sarah and Aldous. Rachel (stunning and spirited Mila Kunis) has compassion for Peter, recognizing him from the tabloids. She books him the $30,000 a night suite that Oprah usually gets for free—the only catch is that he has clean up the room. In hysterical scene, Rachel calls Peter in his suite and says that customers are complaining of a woman crying. Peter says he hears it too from the room above his. Rachel reminds him that he is in the penthouse. Predictably Peter falls for free-spirited Rachel, much to the ire of Sarah.

Peter is befriended by an endearing and strange cast of characters at the resort, most of all Aldous (Brand). Brand is classic oblivious rock star, and its caricature of sexuality. Newlywed and very religious Darald (clueless funny Jack McBrayer) is in desperate search of his wife Wyoma's (Maria Thayer) cl------. Aldous instructs Darald in a ridiculous montage on the beach. The genuine Peter admits to Aldous while out surfing together, "You really are cool…" And Peter's surf instructor Kunu (whacked out Paul Rudd) says "When life deals you lemons… f—k it!"

Mila Kunis is totally charming as Rachel, and completely believable as the woman Peter falls in love with. Kunis and Segal have amazing chemistry. Kristen Bell really has the tougher role, and she is great. Sarah Marshall is beautiful, and a fathomless bitch. To her credit, Bell keeps Sarah light, avoiding the object of audience hatred. Russell Brand is over-the-top genius as Aldous. Ultimately, this is Jason Segal's movie—literally. He wrote the movie, and as Peter he nails a new age James Stewart charm. Segal as Peter is brilliant as the object of humor. Segal is smart and touchingly funny as a guy healing his broken heart.

See "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". It is the funniest movie of the year with a surprisingly sweet romance. Jason Segal is going to be a big star.
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