As gory as Braindead? Not on your nelly!
17 April 2008
Olaf Ittenbach's low budget splatter-fest Premutos often crops up in discussions about 'the goriest movie ever', but whilst it is certainly no slouch in the bloodletting department, with mucho heads-a-popping, limb tearing-a-plenty, and absolutely gallons of the red stuff, it definitely isn't the title holder (that honour goes to Peter Jackson's Braindead, in my humble opinion).

The film, which spans centuries, and includes biblical reconstructions, battle scenes (both medieval and WWII), and bucket-loads of gore, is certainly an impressive achievement on a tight budget, but unfortunately, for the most part, it is also pretty unwatchable—an impossible to decipher tale of ancient fallen angels and black magic that unwisely mixes awful comedy in with the violence (and, in the version I saw, is very badly dubbed). Only towards the end of the film, when a horde of zombies attack the guests at a birthday party, does the film really kick into gear delivering a barrage of bloody FX to satisfy even the most demanding gore-hound.

If, like me, you're a fan of ultra-gore and underground German splatter, then you will probably want to check out this film purely because of its reputation. If, however, you would rather sample a decent Ittenbach movie, try The Burning Moon or Beyond the Limits, both of which actually make sense.
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