Miami Vendetta (1987 Video)
Worst Film of All Time. Do not waste your time
14 April 2008
I was working at a Vieo Store in 1987 when this Direct to Video title was released. I ran the store and would preview the movies before putting them on the shelves because my customers wanted to know what was good and what wasn't worth their time. After watching this film, I wouldn't let anyone rent it. It's that bad. I had one customer who insisted on watching it because I wouldn't let him rent it. He came back the next day and agreed that it was the worst waste of time ever put to video tape.

This was obviously someone's film school failing project. Shot all on a hand held video camera. There's a scene where a car crashes in the L.A. River (dry) and falls out of the door. They cut to a different shot, and the guy laying on the ground is now in a different position, and next to him on the ground, is the shadow of the camera guy. This was one of the better scenes !!!! I URGE you not to waste your time seeing this. It's 90 minutes or so you will never get back.

Trust me...
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