The Runaway (2004)
Very strange and unique--but rewarding and worth seeing
10 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
AUSREISSER is a very odd little German film. It begins with a rather ordinary man getting ready to go to a job interview. However, out of the blue, a small boy (Yuri) arrives and asks him to drive him to school. He doesn't know Yuri, but the boy insists that his mother wanted the man to do this and after a while, he relents and takes the child to school. Later, after dropping him off, he realizes the boy left his backpack behind, so he goes to the school looking for the kid. He can't find him there, but instead finds him wandering by a skating rink in the park. The boy insists that the man is his father and he needs to take care of him. Since they can't locate the mother, the man reluctantly agrees to take the boy home to sleep.

Where the film went next was very odd and unexpected, but rather rewarding. What I particularly liked was the unconventional nature of the film--it certainly WASN'T the usual sort of film you'd see! Interesting, somewhat heartwarming and clever, I can see why this film was nominated for an Oscar in the category of Best Live Action Short Film.
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