Looking for a fun old movie? This is it.
6 April 2008
The Ghost Breakers is a black and white movie from 1940 Starring Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard.

Bob Hope plays a New York City radio newscaster, named Larry Lawrence that specializes in political gossip. When he inadvertently offends a local gangster, his attempt to get back into the gangster's good graces results in him being accused of a murder he didn't commit.

Enter Paulette Goddard as Mary Carter a damsel in distress who has just inherited a haunted castle in Cuba. To escape the police and impress the beautiful damsel in distress Larry accompanies her to Cuba. (1940 Cuba is pre-Castro) Upon arrival at the castle they are met by a zombie, a witch doctor and a genuine ghost...but THEY aren't the villains of the piece! This movie pokes fun at stereotypical ghost stories without grossing you out. This parody is pure INNOCENT fun. No, fancy special effects, no blood or gore, just plain simple FUNNY characters reacting to exaggerated circumstances
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