Review of Date Night

Entourage: Date Night (2004)
Season 1, Episode 4
Boys' night out!
3 April 2008
Phone calls way too early in the morning: a beauty, aren't they? Especially if the unwanted caller is Ari Gold asking you to keep your celeb pal relaxed since his new big movie is about to open theatrically.

Too bad that in this case Eric would like to be left alone, seeing as he finally has a chance to go out with Emily. Sadly, there is no way that will happen, at least not the way he was hoping: because of Ari's concern, the guys decide to spend the whole night together, which means they all bring a date. Turtle is as desperate as usual, while Vince and Eric are quite OK with Justine Chapin and Emily respectively. As for Drama, he hooks up with some body-building woman who looks like the female version of Arnold Scharzenegger.

The charm of this episode stems from the simple fact that it's all about the boys: without any work interference, they are free to hang out, curse and drink as much as they please. It's the bond that unites these four guys that remains the show's most endearing trait, meaning the four protagonists (and their dates) almost steal the limelight from Piven. And yet they don't, 'cause when he shows up in the epilogue, all drunk, happy and genuinely affectionate, you will all remember why the foul-mouthed agent won you over in the first place: he's so excessive, but still so believable it is impossible not to root for his casual rants at anything he thinks of.
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