Review of Jaws

Jaws (1975)
To this day one of the scariest movies ever
1 April 2008
From the harrowing opening scene when the young girl dives in the water and gets tugged under by an unseen monster, we know this is no light and fluffy ride. Stephen Spielberg films his opening nightmare sequence so effectively that you'll be shivering until the final credits. But don't let me get ahead of myself.

"Jaws" stands as one of the scariest movies ever made, even by today's standards. Okay, maybe it's a little outdated, but it still packs a wholloping bite and it still sends a shiver down my spine. The story, based on the intriguing novel of the same name by Peter Benchley, is simple, following a police chief named Martin Brody as he and the entire community of Amity Island is terrorized by a Great White shark who doesn't seem to want to leave. Spielberg keeps the story at a perfect pace and the plot stays tight and gripping, with some genuinely scary shark attacks and effects that still hold true today. Especially at the exciting climax where Brody, Matt Hooper the marine biologist and shark enthusiast, and a ragged old sailor named Quint go to tackle the beast in the blood soaked waters, Spielberg masterfully combines suspense and action and "Jaws" leaves you shocked and afraid of the ocean long after it's over.

"Jaws" is a thrilling experience in underwater terror that started the "summer blockbuster" and still remains one of the pinnacles of modern American horror. Fans should look into the new 30th Anniversary DVD which includes two hours worth of interviews with the cast and crew plus footage from the making of the film. "Jaws" still grabs a hold of the viewer today.
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