Dreyfus 8 of 8
28 March 2008
Dreyfus Court Martial - Arrest of Dreyfuss (1899)

Dreyfus: Devil's Island - Within the Palisade (1899)

Dreyfus Put in Irons (1899)

Dreyfuss Dreyfus: Suicide of Colonel Henry (1899)

Landing of Dreyfus at Quiberon (1899)

Dreyfus Meets His Wife at Rennes (1899)

The Fight of Reporters (1899)

Dreyfus: The Court Martial at rennes (1899)

This here is a eight-film series centering around one character and I must say I don't really understand what Melies was going for unless he was simply trying to make nine different movies to sell to people and earn more money by doing it. None of the nine films are very interesting but put together I guess they hold some interest but none of them are entertaining enough to make the series work. You can read the titles and know exactly what happens as each film runs just over a minute and nothing too special happens in any of them. The most interesting one is Landing of Dreyfus at Quiberon as it does contain some special effects in the form of a lightening storm but these effects aren't too good as several of the lightening strikes hit the people in the action but of course they don't feel it.
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