Please stop the music already!
28 March 2008
This movie was bad in 1980. It is worst now! Talk about not aging well. There is a good reason it flopped so badly during initial release: bad story, bad acting, bad cast. But on a positive note, it does have a few catchy tunes such as YMCA, Magic Night and Can't Stop the Music. Too bad disco was over by the time it reached the screen.

Producer Alan Carr actually thought he had another monster hit like Grease. Nothing could be further from the truth. One is almost embarrassed to watch this mess. It actually makes Xanadu look like high they thinking"? Bruce Jenner moves like cardboard and seems uneasy during this entire exercise. Valarie Perrine added another film to her list of flops. Steve Guttenberg is horrible beyond words. The movie is suppose to be the story of how the group The Village People got together. But that was deemed a little too gay so we have this love story going between Valarie and Bruce. The Village People get very little screen time which is a blessing. It is humorous to see the ultra gay Village People with their "girl friends" in several of the scenes.

Stay away. Don't say I didn't warn you!
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