The Dramatic Age
27 March 2008
The title of this movie is a bit misleading. There is only one true stoner character in this movie - Joe - and he is the unlikely star of the movie. I just wanted to make this clear, that this not a stoner movie in the traditional sense.

However, there IS a reason for the title, and that is a pun on "The Stone Age" - the characters here basically behave like cavemen in anarchy, using their animal instincts rather than reason, without adults around.

This is about two friends that are 'cruising' around town trying to find some chicks. Meanwhile, there's their 'friend' Tack, who tells them where to find the chicks, but is kicked out of the fun because of the 'ratio' (too many guys for just two 'chicks'). So he enlists an army of retards who just want to drink and get laid. Confusion ensues and it's all in one night. That's it, that's the whole plot right there. So instead of a stoner movie, this more of an "all-nighter" movie.

There are a few elements that make this movie stand out from the rest. Many jokes are repeated, making it a very quotable movie. And in spite of its silliness, The Stoned Age is surprisingly memorable. The 'Eye', the 'Ratio', the 'Submarine', the Cop, all of them are worthy of cult status. BTW, the movie looks just like it was shot in the early eighties - I was surprised to find that it was released in 94.

However, at times it gets too silly and uneven. I felt like I was watching a drama instead of a comedy. Lots of swearing too, but that's to be expected.

Joe is your decent sensitive stoner and he is the real star of the movie. He is extremely likable, but somehow always ends getting screwed in one way or another. What happens to him through the night is surprisingly realistic, and dare I say, depressing. Hubbs just wants to get laid. Tack provides some laughs, but he's no McLovin.

I think this movie is closer to the likes of "Superbad in the 80's" than to "Dazed and Confused". However this is much inferior to both, despite its good intentions. I give it a 6, but don't be fooled - I really think this is more of a dramatic movie with comedy elements.
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