Review of Charmed

Charmed (1998–2006)
Could've been so much better
24 March 2008
Let me first start with saying I rather liked the first three seasons with Prue. This show was never supposed to be a pillar of extraordinary writing, but at the very least mildly entertaining. The characters were flat and the sexual exploitation of the beautiful actresses was very visible. After Shanon Doherty left the show went downhill. Rose McGowan had an even more restricted character, probably because the awful scripts gave her nothing to work with. She also didn't seem to have many facial expressions and her deliverance was wooden at best. The story also went downhill from here on out. The show started on a rather superficial base and went completely overboard with pointless en unimaginative story lines. Mythical creatures were introduces, the line between evil and good was all too visible. The only bad guy who ever came close to being interesting was Cole, seeing as he was evil but also loved Phoebe. All other characters were generic with them constantly reminding us that they were in fact evil (they would just come out and say it. That's just bad dialog) and the charmed ones were good (also just coming out and saying it out loud).

Needless to say, if you are looking for an entertaining show: watch the first three seasons only. The quality is terrible from the start, but at least it's watchable. After that it goes downhill until the point you ask yourself why the writers seem to have the idea that the viewers are either retarded or small children.
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