Pervertion and lack of plot.
18 March 2008
This movie became a cult classic in Norway, described as one of the worst Norwegian movies ever made, so when I took the courage to watch it, my expectations where already very low. But even so, after I managed to get trough the whole movie I couldn't help but wonder how the actors willingly would humiliate themselves like this? It's not just the thing that it's really boring, and without a story, but it seems like they have tried to compensate with as much kinky sex as possible. This one sex scene lasted for about 7 minutes, no music, nothing but humping. Right... Acward... Fast Forward and... Urinating! Nice... Well if you are into that sort of thing, this movie still wouldn't be anything for you. Even porn have better storyline than this.

A solid 1, and come on, don't vote this 10 because both you and I know it's not worth it. The only place this film belongs is in the trash, or on IMDb's bottom 100 list.
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