Pretty good....up to a point.
18 March 2008
Things were going pretty darn good until the Area 51 crap started. I really liked Will Smith's excellent interpretation of a Marine aviator (it is obvious he met some and spent some time with them in preparation)and even his CGI dog-fight with the alien fighter-thing-a-ma-bob was pretty good. Then.....everything goes either silly or flat.

This may be a movie where the script writers got three-quarters of the way through and then got drunk. The great Randy Quaid plays a drunk pilot in this movie, and I think he really had to have been drunk to say those lines he had. Judd Hirsch also must have been drunk. Everyone probably was bombed in the last 30 minutes of this flick, except Jeff Goldblum, who appears stoned. Maybe the next time I watch it I'll do likewise and it will make more sense.
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