Review of Cat Ballou

Cat Ballou (1965)
Incredibly stupid and boring
18 March 2008
This is one of the most stupid and boring movies i've ever seen.Its frightening so many people love it.The academy must have been as drunk as Marvin pretends to be in the movie to give him an Oscar for this. Its a disgrace for such a great actor,who has given a number of excellent performances to be rewarded with an award one time when he had a little fun just acting silly.Jane Fonda had not yet realized her potential,was still in her early ingénue period,looking pretty but not much else,the situations are totally unfunny and a total waste of such great singing legend as Nat King Cole.This movie is a bomb,people beware and don't make the mistake of listening to all the hoopla about this ,like i did, you'll be dearly sorry.
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