Interesting but wisely doesn't go into a lot of details
17 March 2008
While I enjoyed Shrek The Third I didn't think that it was brilliant but I did have to admit that the one area that the series has continually improved is that of computer animation. The graphics in the film are impressive whether they be in the overall look of the film or the small details such as fire (anecdotally very difficult to animate convincingly). So it was a nice tribute that on this DVD we had a short film that just gave some spotlight to those responsible for bringing these to the screen.

The film looks at the various innovations such as more detailed hairstyles, crowd scenes, landscapes, lighting and so on and as such it is an interesting film that gave me an appreciation of what an advance in the field the film was. However this is not a detailed documentary but rather an overview since it covers six of seven topics in a ten minute period. In this case though it is to the film's benefit because, as interesting as the topic it, I must confess that many of those talking are a little bit geeky and stiff and have the presentation skills of people who have made a career of being at a desk behind the scenes. This is not to criticise them because they are brilliant at what they but the topic of programming a computer is not the easiest to understand so explaining it in detail would only have made this an unnecessarily heavy piece.

Overall then, an interesting and light look at the work behind the look of the third Shrek film that honours those responsible for the advances without putting too much strain on the limited presentation skills that many of them seem to have!
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