The Perfect Husband
17 March 2008
The made-for-TV film is very faithful in retelling of the story of what happened back in 2002-2005 in the murders of Laci Peterson and her unborn son Connor and the trial that followed of her husband Scott.

It turned out that Scott was cheating on Laci as far back as a month before she disappeared the day before Christmas 2002. Having a relationship with physical therapist Amber Frey Scott bragged to Amber that he's a very successful fertilizer salesman. Scott boastfully tells Amber that he spreads the stuff, horse manure, all over the world in order to impress the single mother. What in fact Scott was spreading was a whole line of BS. In real life Scott was a part-time waiter and collage student with a wife and soon to be born child whom he could barley support with his meager income.

Thinking that Scott was single Amber is shocked to find out from her girlfriend Carol, who introduced Scott to her, that he in fact is married. Scott knowing just what buttons to push get's Amber back on track, and on his side, tearfully telling her that his poor wife in fact died, he doesn't say how, about a year ago. This BS story on Scott's part falls completely apart when Amber, who never watches the TV News, accidentally happens to see Scott on TV when he was supposed to be traveling all throughout Europe selling his brand of high quality horse manure. Scott is seem by the hurt and surprised Amber begging the public to help him in finding his wife Laci who mysteriously disappeared during the Christmas holidays!

You would think that by now Amber, who's very sensitive in being lied to, would have dropped that lying bum Scott Peterson, and never had anything to do with him again, instead she gets even more involved with him. That's when the local Modesto Police have Amber try to trap Scott, by recording his cell-phone calls to her, in having him admit that he, now the prime suspect, was the person who did both Laci and the unborn Connor in. Laci together with Connors bodies were found in the waters outside the Berkeley Marina on April 13/14, 2003.

You have to tell yourself that this Scott Peterson is either the stupidest or the most clever killer in the history of crime. The guy keeps calling Amber over and over up to and even after his trial for murder began knowing, how could he have not, that she's recording both his and her conversations!

Never in any of the dozens of calls he makes to Amber does Scott as much admit that he murdered his pregnant wife Laci. I feel that Scott knowing that his calls are being recorded wanted to put off the cops in thinking that he was guilty of the crime. Why else would he do something so ridicules unless he wanted everyone, the cops listening in as well as Amber and later the media, to think that he's just a poor innocent schmuck who has nothing to hide in his wife's murderer?

Amber for her part gets support from Laci's mom Sharon Rocha and step-dad Ron Grantsky who saw, after struggling with their consciences, what a low life creep their son-in-law Scott really is. It's the support of Laci's family, far more then the hot to get Scott Peterson police, that in the end gave Amber the strength and courage that he needed to get on the witness stand. It's there that Amber looked her ex-lover straight in the eye telling Scott, and a packed courtroom, what exactly she thought of him and it wasn't pretty.

We'll never really know for sure what was the reason, now that he's been convicted of it in a court of law, why Scott Peterson murdered his wife. Scott always maintained his innocence all throughout the trial and even after his conviction. The evidence that sent Scott Peterson on a one way trip to San Quentin's death row was circumstantial at best with him never as much as admitting or even hinting that he murdered his pregnant wife Laci. It was Scott's former lover Amber Frey's testimony more then the not so incriminating police undercover audio tapes that convinced the jury to convict him.

Amber's brave decision to face the public in her involvement with Scott, that at one point had her suspected in being his accomplice in Laci's murder, that in the end put him behind bars. Amber's court testimony also showed how she did it not just out of a sense of justice, in Scott murdering his wife, but betrayal as well. The betrayal of Amber and her feelings for Scott in what the scheming heel did to her. In Scott using Amber as an alibi and human shield in his failed efforts to escape ultimate justice.
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