Tales from the Crypt: Mournin' Mess (1991)
Season 3, Episode 10
A taste for homeless flesh. A ghouls feast!
16 March 2008
"Mournin'Mess" is another episode from season three that's well done and acted just right and the ending has another surprise twist. This episode also has good star power with Ally Walker, Rita Wilson, and Steven Weber. Weber stars as an alcoholic and low life sleazy womanizer who's latest story and mystery involves who is killing all of the city's homeless people. As one by one homeless people are turning up dead. Then a plan develops from a group of ex homeless people of a layaway society for homeless in you guessed it a cemetery! So go figure you may already know what's in store. The Weber characters sneaky reporter snoops around a little to much and to hard for his own good. As in the end his life becomes a big feast munched on by ghouls! Overall pretty well done and gory crypt episode.
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