"Daya Shankar." - "Uma Parvati."
12 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Of the 14 Bollies I have collected so far, "Daud" is my absolute favorite by a large margin. After watching it the fourth time in a few weeks, I'm even more sure of that impression.

Urmila Matondkar is just such a joy to behold. There is a number of good-looking actresses, but she somehow has great control over her facial expressions, especially when doing comedy. Remembering simple quotes of hers, like "50 - 50", make me suddenly feel very good...

Sanjay Dutt is not your typical look-good, do-good "X.Y. Khan" actor. He's the rough-tough guy, but can also express a variety of feelings pretty well. Together with Urmila, he sure is the dominated part here, but in a very charming way.

The side actors playing Chako-ji (the clown who can be very serious) and Pinky (the jovial sadist) also add much flair. Eery scenes can be remembered by just a few words: "Say one last time: jay Hind."- "Jay Hind." - "OK, shoot them." Oh, and from the vehicle aspect, the dump truck on which the big escape starts, and the double-decker bus on which it ends, are also memorable "personae" ...

I love "Daud", after watching it four times, and will re-watch it many more times. Maybe one day I'll even understand what "Daya Shankar" and "Uma Parvati" (the pseudonyms used by the heroes for a while) mean and imply...
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