Warner B
6 March 2008
This one is another fast and fun example of Warner's B work in this period, timing in at 75 minutes, with the usual cast of supporting actors talking fast to get the words out. Guy Kibbee plays... well, a typical Guy Kibbee role, except he's not a dolt this time, and it's Aline McMahon, usually cast in the pre-codes as the gal who's seen it all and shows it, who plays his love interest -- he's a pressman whose wanderlust made him leave his family and head out over the world ten years before. Now he's back and trying to woo his wife.

Of course the plot is not that simple. There's a bit of a political scandal in town and the rapprochement that's the heart of the story weaves its way in and out of that.

There are the usual fine, now-forgotten supporting actors in this piece. Nan Gey, playing the elder daughter, is cute as a button, and Oscar Apfel, who taught Demille how to direct a movie, has for him a sizable role. It's not a great movie, but there is some real chemistry between Kibbee and McMahon. Definitely worth a look.
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