Good for what it was trying to be.... A child friendly movie.
3 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Some of you just don't get it. What did they have to do? Put a big stamp on the movie poster marked "Kid Friendly Godzilla".

Look guys this Godzilla movie was clearly made for children. Judging this movie against the more darker and mature films in the series is clearly missing the point. I mean just look at the Godzilla suit design. It clearly looks cute and far from scary. That was done on purpose. The monster fight scenes were purposely made comical. The music is also light and kid friendly. I thought this was obvious. Jet Jaguar is a kid's toy and the kid in the film even has the action figure version. Doesn't that make it obvious?

Fine. I can understand someone saying that they didn't like the childish direction this movie went but judging the movie as a 1970's era rubber monster film aimed at children; it's pretty good. I remember seeing this on TV as a kid in the early 1980's and I enjoyed it (as I'm sure most children did). They showed a lot Godzilla Saturday afternoon TV matinees in those days.

I'm guessing the negative reviews are from those who were perhaps born in the 1980's or later and never saw this movie on TV as a child. They watch the darker Godzilla films, and suddenly stumble on this one and have a negative reaction without considering it's original intent.

I still like this movie and I give it a solid 7 but mostly for nostalgia. To judge this movie with my adult mind wouldn't be fair.

It's a good 1970's live action Godzilla cartoon/toy commercial. If you look at it this way, how could you possibly give it one star?

C'mon guys lighten up.

'Nuff said.
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