Fun Entry
28 February 2008
Falcon and the Co-eds, The (1944)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Standard film has The Falcon (Tom Conway) investigating the murder of a teacher at an all girl's school. This series has been what you'd call "B-movies" but every once in a while a B movie will try and be something it's not and that's the problem here. This film tries very hard to be smarter than it actually is and the screenplay goes in about twenty different directions but none of them are very interesting. The film gets off to a slugish start and never really recovers, although there are a few good moments including three little girls who try and help The Falcon. The supporting cast is mostly forgettable and even Conway isn't his energetic self, which is never good for the lead in one of these types of films. As with the previous film, there's no sidekick this time out so the film struggles to get any laughs.
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