The X-Files: Talitha Cumi (1996)
Season 3, Episode 24
Season Three Review
28 February 2008
*This is a review of the entire season, not the season finale.

Season Three is where The X Files really got going. Don't get me wrong, seasons one and two are certainly worthwhile, but they did have a tendency for too many average monster of the week episodes. Season 3 kicks the mythology arc into high gear with three multi-part mytharc stories, in addition to the season finale, to be concluded at the beginning of season four. The monster of the week episodes have also become more imaginative and better-written, with some excellent contributions by quality X Files writers like Howard Gordon and Vince Gilligan, and no less than three absolute masterpieces by Darin Morgan. Season 3, as usual for The X Files, doesn't really have a 'season arc' like many (most?) TV series do. The mytharc in this season is brilliantly-done, and the monster of the week episodes are very effective.

I thought the best episodes were: "Paper Clip"- all the drama, action, and intrigue you could possibly want from a mytharc episode.

"Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose"- featuring a stunning guest starring turn by Peter Boyle and a script that covers more of the human range of emotions and psychology in 45 minutes than most feature films manage to, all while maintaining a humorous and clever surface level make this episode possibly one of the entire series' finest.

"Nisei/731"- Nisei is the weaker of the two, but "731" is another exciting mytharc episode, as well-done as possible.

"War of the Coprophages"- while not as ambitious as some of Darin Morgan's other scripts, this is a perfect monster of the week episode, with lots of humor, so much you wouldn't notice half of it the first time around. Plus, it's about killer roaches, how rad is that?

Jose Chung's "From Outer Space"- Other X-Philes have covered this one for me. In short, however, it is an extraordinarily complex, detailed, and deep script brought to life brilliantly with extraordinary narrative structure. It's a humorous episode you can take seriously, because it works on so many levels.

"Quagmire"- Ah, finally, an unorthodox choice. This stuff has been done before, but not with quite as much panache. Mulder and Scully's respectful, intellectual romance comes to light here and we say goodbye to poor Queequeg.

"Talitha Cumi"- Lots and lots and lots of CSM. 'I believe that says it all.

This season also holds the dubious honor of including the worst episode of The X Files, bar none, in "Teso dos Bichos", but the vast majority of the rest of the episodes are so good it barely affects the final score of the season.

The cast seem to have finally fully settled into their roles, chemistry is at a peak, certainly. The visual style of the series has also fully matured, often indistinguishable from a feature film, although season 5 would introduce the widescreen format that completed the transformation.

Season 3 is where the series properly hit its stride. It's simply exhilarating television.

Avg. Score based on all episodes: 8.25/10
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