Good Show, but somewhat lacking....
24 February 2008
As a loyal Ghost Hunters fan, I was really excited to learn they were doing a spin off show, doing all the cases in Europe (Leap Castle anyone?)!! I didn't care that it wasn't Jason and Grant doing it, and I was excited to see mix of old TAPS members and some new people.

I saw the first episode and enjoyed it, but as I continued to watch subsequent episodes, I realized it just wasn't the same. It doesn't have the same energy that the regular Ghost Hunters show has. The team members don't seem to have the same chemistry. No one seems to joke around, and they're all so serious when on camera. Now maybe some aren't used to being in the spot light (namely Robb and Shannon), but the others (Brian, Donna, Andy and Barry) should be pretty used to being on camera. There isn't the playfulness among them all, that TAPS has. This team is almost boring. With them it seems like it's just "Get in, Get out". It's all business, which I realize might be professional, but come on, it's a TV show, entertain a little! (I place some fault on the people who direct and produce, they should know better.)

So as much as I wanted to LOVE the show, it just isn't the same as the original. I will still watch it, as they do investigate cool places, but they need to lighten up a little and have fun!
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