20 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Friday the 13th part 5 Too many sequels can be a bad thing and this one hit rock bottom on so many levels. Since Jason was "killed" in part 4 some brainiac decided that they should make another sequel but this time the killer would not be Jason (cue the record needle scratching). Yessire bob, a Friday the 13th movie without Jason in it, just imagine how well that went.

The story is Tommy Jarvis (no longer played by Corey Feldman although he does appear in the movie) never recovered mentally after killing Jason so he's sent to a funny farm getaway with complete morons nowhere near Crystal Lake. Not only is Jason not in the movie, it doesn't even begin, end or have any location in Crystal Lake either. The cast of mental patients were so redundant and so stupid I couldn't wait for whoever the killer was to wipe them out and any other clowns to appear in the movie. As Tommy begins to get settled in his new home and making friends with the token black guy, the plot thickens (or is it sickens?). One of the happy home patients named Vic isn't happy at all and he hacks a fat special needs kid to death with an axe. The orderlies show up to take the carcass away and one of them almost throws up upon witnessing the sight. Later on that night Jason appears and thus the horror begins....and I proceed to almost throw up myself.

This movie has more holes in it than a piece of cheese in Killer Rats. First off, Tommy Jarvis went from being 11 years old to 21 between part 4 and 5 (Corey Feldman does make a cameo in the opening scene which turned out to be just a dream) nevermind the fact it couldn't have been but a year or two after the last movie. Technically this means the movie is set in 1995 instead of 1985 because in the story lines part 2 took place 5 years after part one, which was 1980. Movies 2, 3 and 4 all were around the same week or so, so we are to believe its 1985 when Tommy hacked up Jason at the end of part 4. Now Tommy looks to be 10 years older so logically this is supposed to be 1995 yet the ambulances look out of the 70's.

So now we're in 1995 and Jason appears and proceeds to kill off the funny farm residents, the people who work there and any other idiot who passes through in the movie. To anyone who has seen this movie, was there really a point to that drifter wearing the wifebeater being in the film? Tommy then teams up with the one nurse and the token black kid named Reggie the Reckless (who is easily freaked out by just about everything) to kill Jason.....only we found out its not Jason. Turns out "Jason" was actually the orderly that almost threw up upon seeing the fat guy dead, the reason being he was his father. This is where the whole movie became stupid instantly. How can this normal human being mimic not only Jason's stealth (one minute this girl with insanely huge breasts closes her eyes and then she opens them and the Orderly/Jason is there) but his damage intake as well? The whole "Its not Jason" plot twist thus renderred the whole entire movie worthless and a waste of time to any Jason fan. I can't even give props to the kills because it wasn't Jason doing them nor could anyone else have managed the kind of stealth or strength to pull them off. The characters were stupid, the plot was dumb and the ending made the whole movie pointless, avoid it like the plague.

The 2 highlights in the movie is when Tommy hits an angleslam through a table on one of the funny farm inmates and later on he beats the living crap out of crazy lady's special needs son. Unfortunately these 2 scenes are not enough to save the movie from being full of horse manure.

3 out of 10
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