"You shot my......"
19 February 2008
Don't Stop My Crazy Love For You is another entertaining and decently sleazy little gem of a CATIII film. The story revolves around Simon Yam's character being completely obsessed with a local(?) TV News Reporter. Acting out personal fantasies, spying and stalking the beautiful reporter are some of Yam's go to pervert moves. With the beautiful reporter falling in love with her long-time boyfriend, Simon's character reaches a boiling point and decides to seriously take things into his own hands.

Simon Yam, who is becoming a favorite of mine due to being consistently good in all his flicks (Full Contact comes to mind), is again very good in this film. The movie moves at a pretty fast pace for the first hour, then tends to slow down a little bit near the end when Reporter girl starts attaining clues, but the movie picks up it's pace big-time during the last 20 minutes or so. With sleazy moments, some alright nudity (though not enough for this guy) and some alright violence, this pales in comparison in the "Goody" departments with other CATIII ventures. But the story and acting is just as good or better than any CATIII you can find out there. It's easily another recommendable *Meeooww* flick, and a must see if you're a fan of Simon Yam or into stories based on obsession. Fun stuff. 7.5 outta 10
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