Review of Jumper

Jumper (2008)
Fun movie!
18 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I really, really enjoyed this movie. Before I went I had read a few critics' negative comments, which was a mistake. I read bad reviews of the original X-Men movie and Return of the King before I saw them, and I loved both of them, so I should know not to pay attention to critics. Enough about that.

The movie starts a bit slowly with David's back story. He's had a pretty sad life since age 10. I felt sad for him and with him yearned for more. Then he started "jumping", moving from place to place in a very cool blink of an eye, at first involuntarily. When he learns to control his powers, things start to pick up. I loved the jumps!

When he meets another jumper named Griffin, the fun starts for real. Just hold onto your seats and enjoy the ride! Griffin and David have one of the best, most fun car rides ever! And the fights with all the jumping are just so much fun to watch. I have to admit that the opening scene in X2 with Nightcrawler fighting was one of my all time movie favorites, so this movie was like that scene times 100.

There wasn't a ton of plot, but there was definitely enough to keep my interest and move the story along. I thought it flowed pretty well and pretty quickly, and I really enjoyed the little tie-up at the end that answered some questions from the beginning.

All-in-all I would say this is a very entertaining evening at the movies. No, don't expect to go in and see Citizen Kane. Go into the movie expecting a fun, entertaining summer movie in the dead of winter! Enjoy! (Out of four people in my family who saw it together, three of us loved it, and one thought it was just okay.)
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