24: Day 2: 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. (2002)
Season 2, Episode 3
Let's blow something up!
17 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In most action movies, a huge explosion occurs in the middle or at the end, preferably the second option because the picture tends to drop dead after a stunt like that. The first season of 24 had an exploding plane as closure for the pilot, and still managed to remain exciting and essential viewing.

Why am I mentioning this? Because history is about to repeat itself: this is only the third hour of Day 2, and Jack Bauer is already involved in an operation that has the aim to blow up CTU. This is obviously linked to the bomb issue, as valuable data regarding the threat would be lost in the attack, which is why Jack alerts the White House, only for the director of NSA to prevent the information from getting to the President. This constitutes a problem on a more personal level as well, since Kim has been asked to meet with Tony Almeida for security reasons. Meanwhile, George Mason makes a fateful detour on the way out of town to investigate a lead.

In terms of pure tension, this episode is almost unbearably suspenseful, all because of the real-time strategy: watching the clock tick as the villains get closer and closer to achieving their goal, with Bauer fully unable to stop them, is as hair-raising an experience as the series has ever caused. From the recap sequence at the beginning to the most devastating (in every sense) cliffhanger of the season, Episode 3 of the second year is an exercise in suspense that would make Hitchcock proud.
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