Blurs the Line of right and wrong to the limit - Excellent!
14 February 2008
I saw this movie without knowing anything about it except that people had said it was good. I had no idea of the engrossing movie I was about to experience. I have to say that this is one of the absolutely best written films I have ever seen. The best part about it for me was that the movie has twists and turns in it that don't feel cheap. They don't intentionally throw you off track so they can shock you. You are just along for the ride and truly feel like you are seeing this through the eyes of the PI as he searches for truth. By the end of the film you aren't ready for the truth nor the choices that have to be made. This is one movie that blurs the line of right and wrong more than any movie I can remember. It is the type that will have you thinking for days, "What would I have done?" The thing is that you will be asking that question for more than one part of the movie and not just the climax. I thank God that Ben Affleck only wrote this film and didn't act in it. Casey was the best I've ever seen him and all I could think is how bad it would have been if they would have had Ben replacing him. Rarely do I give a 10 out of 10 but this movie certainly deserves it. Perfection on all fronts.
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