Review of Cloverfield

Cloverfield (2008)
Lovecraft is back!
12 February 2008
It was really impossible to check among the 1334 comments (and growing),to find out if CLOVERFIELD brought back the fantastic Howard Philips Lovecraft(1890-1937), perhaps the most inventive sci-fi writers of all times. In his imagination, the Earth used to be inhabited by giants called The Ancients (Les Anciens) who lived in the bottom of the Atlantic, mainly in the vicinity of the imaginary city of Arkham (or Providence). They may have also inhabited the Atlantide, the sunkcontinent.Sometimes, these creatures land on the coast, in person or impersonated, and do a lot of damage. They have strange names, such as Cthulhu or Shub-Niggurath, divinities such as Azatoth, or historic figures like Abdul Alhazred, the mad Arab who wrote the cursed book of Necronomicon. The unknown giant character that beheads the statue of Liberty, or shake off the bridges of New York in CLOVERFIELD will probably be identified in the sequel presently under filming. Until then, get your goodselves a copy of The Strange Case of Charles Dexter Ward, Lovecraft's masterpiece.Harry Carasso, Paris, France.
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