Birthday Boy (2004)
A nice little South Korean short
9 February 2008
This is a very simple animated film using computer generated technology. In fact, it was nominated for the Oscar for Best Animated Short for 2005 but lost to a film called RYAN (which I have yet to see).

The story begins around the time of the Korean War. A little boy is playing around his home and the nearby railroad track. During this time, he drops a bolt on the track to see what happens when the train squishes it and plays soldier as long lines of tanks pass on the freight train. Nothing particularly noteworthy or exciting about this film--just a slice of life from a sad time and some decent animation. It's nice to see a nominee from South Korea, as you don't normally see their films nominated.

By the way, and you'll no doubt think I am crazy, but for a truly outstanding Korean film, try to find DOGGIE POO--a truly amazing short film that is astoundingly good and heart-warming and light years better than BIRTHDAY BOY.
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