Green River Killer (2005 Video)
Ulli Lommel's movies suck big time!!1
5 February 2008
I saw green river killer as a part of Ulli Lommel's Serial Killer DVD box-collection that was released here in Finland and i have to say that never have i seen such bad and poor not to mention amateurish directing in my whole life. First of all , each movie seems like it's been shot on a digital camera like many reviewers stated above and the budget seems to be close to nothing.

The premise of this movie could've made an excellent plot for a decent horror movie but even that was spoiled by bad acting and directing, and what's with that one actress that Ulli uses over and over and over again in his serial killer movies? Anyways steer clear of this one fellow IMDb reviewers cause' it stinks bad, luckily my boyfriend borrowed this serial killer DVD-box to me so i didn't get to waste my money on this pile of crap!
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