The Twilight Zone: Black Leather Jackets (1964)
Season 5, Episode 18
Although dougdoepke got a lot of "not helpfuls", he's right!!
29 January 2008
This is a god-awful episode of The Twilight Zone about a group of bikers from Mars or Uranus or someplace off world. None of it makes any sense and it is way beyond badly written and preachy.

I noticed that although so far only one person has bothered to review this very bad episode of The Twilight Zone, dougdoepke has taken a lot of abuse for his revealing that this is a bad episode. The fact that so many have ganged up on him is not at all surprising, as I, too, have gotten a huge number of "not helpful" because I have criticized some of the episodes of the show. Now this does NOT mean that I hate the series--in fact, at times, it was brilliant. However, I am realistic enough to admit that some episodes were great, some were terrible and there were a bunch in the middle--this is true even of some of the best TV shows. But a group of "I sold my soul to The Twilight Zone" zombies are out there and they insist that every episode is pure gold. And, as they are card-carrying cult members, they MUST attack anyone who is not infatuated with every single episode PLUS attack anyone who has a child who is not named Rod!! Take the implants out of your neck and admit that the show was great but not infallible!!

Take care dougdoepke--I, too, got savaged when I had the nerve to say that THE NIGHT OF THE MEEK was a bad episode of an otherwise excellent series!!
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