A Film that Reknews my Faith in What American Could Be...
27 January 2008
This is an important film that will be remembered for years to come, but in my opinion, just like All the President's Men, this film won't be a classic because its entire body is woven into the modern political and social stadium. What makes this film unusual, at least in today's film-making world, is that practically the entire film is made up of various characters sitting in rooms having one on one conversations with another character. I imagine that this film was pretty easy to shoot. I think most of the prep work was spent on rehearsal time in order to get the great performances that this film offers. Considering that this film is written by the same guy who wrote The Kingdom, I'm surprised its so good. The difference between the two films is larger than the gap between President Bush and reality. Online (particularly IMDb) it's evident that this is a controversial film. People keep commenting on how much they hate this film because of its agenda and I directly quote, "Hollywood just does not get it. I don't want to go see a movie that is just a covert attempt to brainwash people. That is this movie's real plot (agenda)." This film is not covert in its views, it's blatant, but I never felt brainwashed or under the influence of propaganda. Allow me to go on and share with you the rest of this persons comment on Lions for Lambs. "Moreover, this movie is like so many other Hollywood movie that are not about providing entertainment. They want to deliver a politically-oriented message and they want to me pay to hear their message. I did the smart thing; I walked out as soon as it became evident that this was another agenda flick. I hear too much political pablum on TV, and I can't take it there either anymore. It's ridiculous what Hollywood has become. No wonder movie attendance has been down. down, down for so many years. Going to the movies often turns out like a visit to the dentist, no fun at all." It's sad that in a world with so many problems to comment on that an audience would rather get that from the TV set and would walk out on a film with actual substance. TV news has no substance and its terrible that its swaying people away from source of actual information (this film isn't a documentary so it can't really be called "actual information", yet its based in it more so than TV news). I can't relate to you how upsetting it is that Americans have become such ostriches with their heads in the sand. People need to stimulate their brains and get behind the real issues that our country is facing, and it's films like this that try to inspire in us some sort of revolutionary outrage with the abominable way our country has been acting. The excerpt above isn't the only post to spew hatred for this film. Almost just as many people who love this film hate it. "Who likes celebrities telling us how to think politically?" "The worst movie ever made!" "Shame on anyone who pays to see this trash." "Support this liberal propaganda and the stupidity of their cause and you're doing no better then supporting the terrorists themselves… I know no true American will add to its box office and reward the blatant and blind stupidity of its creators." The last quote is obviously from a republican Bush voter who considers them self a true American ("true American means Republican right?) and didn't contribute to this films box office. So somebody who didn't even give this film a chance is clearly a credible source to listen to. In my opinion the person who wrote that isn't a true American, because America was founded on the principles idealized in this film (and I'm not talking about Tom Cruise's character's views). Towards the end of Lions for Lambs Redford's character says it best, "the problem isn't with the people who started this. The problem is with us who sit by and do nothing." I couldn't agree more, but I also have to add that the problem is also with the people who write the negative reviews that I've show you above. Personally, I love the fact that Hollywood isn't just trying to entertain me, but is actually trying to make a difference (at least here. Not really when they green-lighted Jackass: The movie… but that wasn't Redford). This film comments not only about the Iraq war, but I think even more so on American blindness. Lions for Lambs shows characters who go about their lives and don't want to know what's going on in the world at large. It shows our horrible complaisancy. Just look at Lions for Lambs place in the weekend box office this week: fourth. American's would rather see Jerry Seinfeld flying as an animated bee, Denzel Washington as he imports heroine into the United States, and the reject brother of Santa Clause! People hate Lions for Lambs because of the preconceived ideas they hold while walking into the theater. I praise this film. I prefer the online comment that goes, "See this pro American, Anti Government and Anti Media Film". Everyone should watch it and everyone should be open about it. People label this as propaganda, but that's only because a different propaganda has already penetrated and brainwashed them into the opposite beliefs. How far away from propaganda can you get than this film tag line, "If you don't STAND for something, than you might FALL for anything." Our country is falling apart, "Rome is Burning" as Redford would put it (or rather screenwriter Matthew Michael Carnahan). I'm glad someone will take a break from making another Spiderman 3 and take their position for social change seriously.
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