Review of Moonstrike

Moonstrike (1963)
Downbeat Wartime Thriller
26 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm obviously working from an old memory with this series because so far as I'm aware it has never bee repeated, and is presumably lost. I was also pretty young at the time and probably a lot less critical than I would be today.

However, for what it's worth, I do recollect it as an extremely gripping series. It was one that I always tried to make a point of watching, though my enthusiasm was not shared by many.

I suspect the main reason for this is that it was the first, and perhaps only, drama about World War 2 that didn't represent the Nazis as a bunch robotic simpletons. Quite the contrary; They nearly always won. And they won brutally and cleverly. But let's face it; a bunch of idiots don't get to conquer Europe.

The programme was a fictional drama about the conflict between the French resistance and the gestapo, and - where appropriate - British intervention. There were no subtitles, so British actors spoke wizz ze French accents or sneered mitt der Teutonic arrogance. Rather like 'Allo, Allo', but without the jokes.

From time to time a Westland Lysander aeroplane featured in the series. That was a small, British transport about the size of a fighter (actually, 2ft shorter and 1500lbs lighter than the Hawker Hurricane), but with a huge pair of wings like a glider's. It had the advantage of being able to land on, and take off from, a coffee table, making it eminently suited to the purpose of landing people and equipment in the fields of occupied France.
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