A self-reflective murder mystery.
23 January 2008
This could have been a good story if it had not been a supernatural fantasy. By combining the elements of murder mystery with fantasy, however, means that the viewer has a bigger job in suspending disbelief...

So, why did I keep watching? One reason only: the very clever use of mirrors that form a constant motif – in fact, a psychological sine qua non – throughput the entire film. To that extent, this is a stunner. The camera techniques will have you trying to work out how a particular shot was achieved. So, from a technical aspect, the production crew deserves high marks, no question.

The story, however, is difficult to follow and not only because sub-titles are generally atrocious to follow; it's just a very convoluted narrative that twists and turns along many paths. Fortunately for me, that was alleviated to some extent by the clever visuals.

And, now that I think of it, there's another reason for watching this film: the ending. All through the story, mirrors are the focus – for many important reasons, as you will see – and at the end, there's a twist that hints at much wider implications about the real world and the nature of reality. A bit arty, perhaps, as an ending, but one that does reflect the problem of personal identity. When you watch, you'll see what I mean...

Not recommended for kiddies.
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