Great Alien Beach Party Massacre movie or Greatest Alien Beach Party Massacre movie?
22 January 2008
There have been few alien beach party massacre movies that have been so moving, or so influential in my life as this one. More than any other, this movie has changed the way that I thought about alien beach party massacres.

John Eineigl's Dr. Bateman is perhaps the most finely acted scientist in alien beach party massacre movie history. I'll never forget his impassioned delivery of our planet's dire prognosis.

The special effects were incredibly realistic. Having witnessed several alien beach party massacres myself, I found myself struggling with my post traumatic stress disorder throughout the movie. Truly, there has never been a more realistic depiction.

Another reviewer questioned the sophistication of the dialog in the movie. Perhaps he has been to different alien beach party massacres than I, but in my experience most people revert to a childlike state of panic and fear. It only makes sense that a movie about an alien beach party massacre would have childlike dialog. Perhaps some would like it if Dr. Bateman had uttered some line belonging in Richard The Third, but for me it would have ruined the entire feel of the movie.

I'm just sad that Andy Gizzarelli is no longer making films in the alien beach party massacre genre. He will be sorely missed, as the contributions of more recent directors are but lifeless, shallow imitations of his groundbreaking work.
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