Review of Stealth

Stealth (2005)
18 January 2008
"This was one of the biggest box office bombs of all time, losing a total box office revenue of 58.1 million US dollars (135 million was the original budget for the film)." That in itself should tell you everything you need to know about this film. If you haven't seen it, consider yourself lucky and go lock for something else at Blockbuster. If you happened across it on TV, then change the channel. If you are a glutton for punishment like I was, and like to see how you would do under torture, then go ahead and watch it; but I will warn you this movie makes 'Top Gun' look like 'The Right Stuff' in comparison.

Maybe if you are a 6-to-10-yr-old who is a fan of 'Transformers' or are a sexually-deprived individual who gets his excited by Jessica Biel, this film will have something that you are interested in. But if you are like the other 99.9% of the general population, this movie will have you either bored or confused. There are plot holes that you could drive a Mac truck through. It's only redeeming quality would be it must be a real good laugh if you've been drinking heavily prior to watching it; otherwise, it is well worth passing on.
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