Review of Division 4

Division 4 (1969–1975)
Growing Up in Australia
17 January 2008
Crawford Productions produced some very entertaining television in Australia and this is one of them. I agree with the other comments about the time slot. 3am should be reserved for these money hungry 'Quizmania' and 'The Mint' type shows. It is about time that Australia started taking a little more pride in our heritage because it is a part of our growing up. Come on Channel 9, you have taken the first step by replaying these classics, now it is time to move it so people can actually watch them. When are they going to be released on DVD? Another outstanding question. Division 4 is part of a group of television shows. The others being Matlock Police, Homicide, Solo One, Hunter, Cop Shop and a few others that escape my memory at this point. In my opinion, we would be a lot better off if we were to bring back some of these shows from the 50s, 60s and 70s
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