Review of Romper Room

Romper Room (1953–1994)
The Last Host
16 January 2008
I was the last Romper Room Teacher in Northern California, Miss Sharon. I taped the shows from 1987-1992. I am also the only African American host of the show. I was a teacher at the time and I was the first real classroom teacher to host the show. When I was hired, I taught fourth grade. I also taught preschool and kindergarten. The shows were taped on weekends and later, on Monday evenings. I was trained by Sally Claster Bell in Pacific Palisades, California. My shows were filmed at KTVU in the San Francisco Bay Area. Since this was the last show in the last Romper Room version in the US, many of the tapes were archived at KTVU and I have copies of most of them as well. I always ended my shows with a wink after the magic mirror. I hope that these shows will be released for future generations to enjoy.

Romper Bomper!
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