It Takes Two (II) (2001)
Watching in silent wonder
16 January 2008
In Fitzgerald's "The Last Tycoon", Monroe Stahr describes a mostly silent, yet highly captivating scene of a girl lying to an unseen caller on the phone. We know that she's lying from what she does (burn the evidence) rather than what she says (deny, deny, deny). "It takes two" caught my attention precisely because it shows rather than tells its story. Set on the morning after a young couple's near break-up, it deals with the dire consequences of rejection and the joy of making up. Nike Fuhrmann's character Jule has little more than a dozen words of text, yet we always know where she's at. While both Nike Fuhrmann and her co-star Manolo Palma have gone on to modest TV acting careers, director Johannes Brodowski teaches creative writing these days. "It takes two" is his first and only movie.
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