Review of Death Proof

Death Proof (2007)
Not that great
9 January 2008
I am a huge fan on this guy's films but in my opinion this film was not very good. Planet Terror was a great campy gore fest but this film had WAY too much talking and no real point. It's starts off alright getting to know the girl victims and the whole Friday the 13th bit on going to the lake etc. I think I know what the director was trying to do but I personally thought it was boring. There was a cool car crash scene like 45 minutes in, and the whole concept of the car Kurt Russell drives and the way in which he kills was cool (only used once though), it's just the viewer is literally forced to listen to a bunch of chicks talk tough and BS all day. I don't know, I feel kind of bad about how negative this review is but it is true. Is it worth to watch? Maybe. I suggest watching it BEFORE Planet Terror to save the best for last. I will give this one 4.5/10.
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