Good first feature, and definitely worth a view.
1 January 2008
I saw this film as a part of the SCC (Spiritual Cinema Circle) for the December volume. I've got to say, i liked it very much. Now, that is not to say that it was a MASTERWORK FROM A GENIUS FILMMAKER, but it was very, very thoughtful and very insightful. Was it cheezy? Sure. I can only think of 2 films on the SCC that aren't. What i thought was more important is that Eli tried to break new ground on a subject that is a little untouched on for the most part. And even more, i think that in the end, what the filmmaker did at the end of the film was the least stereotypical move i have seen in a good while from a relatively new writer/director.

There will be people who disagree with me on that point but, it is only an opinion. So. At times the acting was a bit student filmish, but, it his first, and, i'm guessing low budget. So, i sympathize there. There were a couple of lines or acting where i rolled my eyes at cliché, but for the most part they were fairly few and far between. My other beef was the framing and focus of some shots and scenes. Again sympathize, it's the dudes first, we can't all be great directors. All in all, good first feature, and definitely worth a view... or two. :)
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