The Whitest Kids U'Know (2007–2011)
Like Monty Python, but without the accents
3 January 2008
I once read somewhere that laughter increases your lifespan by (and this could be entirely wrong) 3 seconds. Thanks to the Whitest Kids U' Know, I have an increased lifespan of about 2 years. Long story short, these guys are great. They have a very well balanced sense of humor, ranging from clever to inappropriate, from violent to absurd. I am at a complete loss as to how they come up with all of it.

Now, I'm not saying everyone will derive entertainment from their act. Only people with a well versed sense of humor will enjoy these fellas, and their brilliant performances.If you don't want to risk suffocating to death on your own laughter, then by God, don't watch this show. But if you chance it, I promise you it'll be worth it. These guys deserve praise and adoration, and I wish them luck on their second season.
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