The Great Debaters Named Best Inspiring Film of the Year by Reel Inspiration
2 January 2008
The Great Debaters is easily the the most inspiring, empowering movie of the year. In fact, I chose it as the number one movie on my "Best Films" list on the Reel Inspiration blog at Blogspot.

The Great Debaters, directed by Denzel Washington and produced by Oprah, is Hollywood all the way. It is an empowering underdog tale inspired by the true story of how the debating team from the small African American institution of Wiley College won the 1935 National Debating Championship. Outstanding performances by Denzel Washington and Forest Whitaker make the picture.

After a hectic montage to introduce the setting, we're in the classroom studying revolutionary ideas from the writers of the Harlem Renaissance with Professor Tolson. Denzel's passionate delivery is reminiscent of Robin William's in "Dead Poets Society. I suspect that Professor Tolson was much more interesting, controversial, and radical than the man presented here. However, it is so moving to hear these important ideas spoken by a African American teacher to African American students at a time when there was still lynching in their part of the country.

The film doesn't back down from the racism of the time. In fact, its an ongoing theme. The film asks if the power of words can really make any difference in the face of violent acts of racism.

Through his example, Professor Tolson inspires his students to speak up for what is right despite how it might conflict with their personal lives or the dangerous world around them. Debate all you want about it, but don't miss this important story.

Jana Segal Reel Inspiration
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