Queer as Folk: Sick, Sick, Sick (2002)
Season 2, Episode 18
A much-needed turn of events... but Justin and Brian need to be together!
31 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"You look so sexy in your little gown!" ~Michael (to Ben)

This episode was weird. I'm not liking how distanced Justin is becoming from Brian. He's always known that Brian was no romantic, he's known that from the very beginning. Brian is showing Justin love and affection in the only way that he knows possible. I like Ethan, but I still think that Brian is much better-suited for Justin, especially with all that they have been through together. It is quite clear that Brian is in love with Justin, he just has his own unique way of showing it. Not through flowers or picnics, but in different ways. It was saddening what happened with Ben, but it was a much-needed turn of events in the relationship. Overall a great episode.
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