Highlight of 2007 Tribeca Film Festival! Loved this Doc and can't wait to see it in theaters again!
30 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I worked as one of the filmmaker coordinators for The 2007 Tribeca Film Festival and I had the pleasure of working with the director and producers, assisting them in making the rounds with this great documentary. I can't say enough good things about what these people so selflessly did to help the Sri Lankan people after the Tsunami and I can't begin to tell you how moved I was by the film. In the last several years we have been inundated by dark, desperate films about war and strife and I have to admit that it was such a relief to spend two hours watching this small group of volunteers put a little hope and light in to the world of these people. After the first screening the sold out audience didn't leave their spots after the standing ovation because I think we were all a little disappointed that we would have to step out in to our world and say goodbye to this group of volunteers that we all wished we had had the courage to join! I saw the film three times more over the next week and the audiences reactions only got better as the buzz grew.

I got word that The Third Wave will be hitting theaters this Spring and when it does I highly recommend you check it out. You'll be very happy you did. Trust me, watching this amazing, at some times heartbreaking journey will make you question what you are doing to contribute to the world. When I spoke to the director, Ms. Thompson, about this she simply said we all have our way of contributing. I just couldn't shake the feeling that I may lack the heart and courage that she and her fellow volunteers had to drop it all and help spread some much needed love.

Hats off to you, Alison, and the rest of your crew for sharing your work with us. The audiences from Tribeca know what we are in store for in the months to come.

Dan Fountain
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