Could've been a clever progression, but feels rushed and over the top.
26 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Straight off the bat a few facts about Hostel 2. It's not by any means an awful movie, it's got it's moments. Secondly, it's better put together than an awful lot of the 2 dimensional horror tat it was rubbing shoulders with at the time. I just wanted to state those things before I let loose my misgivings.

Firstly...cinema violence...a shudder goes round the room. What happens in Hostel 2 in terms of violence is by turns both shocking and stupid, cleverly thought out and goofily rushed. A few bits of this movie are genuinely disturbing and unlike anything you'll see in any other mainstream movie, be warned. Other bits are dumb and blunt and overly graphic to the point of caricature. Also the horrific things happen nonsensically at the start of the movie, meaning the rest of the film seems unavoidably pedestrian after they're out of the way.

Inexcusably rushed film-making is all over the place..certain elements are relied heavily upon but never explained, like the main character going into a rage on hearing the word c**t. Now granted that's a horrible word, but a little more explanation than 'I hate that word' would have elevated that to a possible level of sense and understanding, but as it is it just feels like a dumb joke like 'I don't do guns, they take me to a bad place' in the Rundown. There's annoying little bits like this of undeveloped rough material all over this film, and the whole thing just feels like it's in dire need of a good editor to make a decent story out of it all.

The bones of an interesting genre horror are sat in front of us with this movie but there's nothing holding them together. It's not made any better by the fact that after an hour of a couple of girls wandering around Prague and a train of all places, Eli Roth obviously looked at his runtime, screamed '****! I've only got half an hour to wrap this up!' and crammed everything in at the last minute Stephen King style for the most preposterous, hurried and overblown ending I've seen in a long time.

I had no idea what to expect of this movie as the idea of a Hostel sequel seemed pointless so I wasn't really planning to watch it or anything, and in hindsight, I don't reckon it's an awful film, it's watchable and entertaining if at times sickeningly violent for the sake of it's own bad-boy image, but it's to incoherent to be anything other than another overblown Hollywood sequel. If you've got 90 minutes spare and want to watch something scary and gruesome, you could do a lot better than this. Sorry guys. Better luck next time.
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