Mister 880 (1950)
Burt Lancaster tracks down elderly counterfeiter...
24 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film is shown so rarely as to be virtually unknown. Like a number of black and white films, it does not get seen anymore and when I have mentioned it to people they have NEVER heard of it.

Twentieth Century Fox should release this on DVD, if they haven't already.

I believe Turner Classic Movies may have shown it once.

It is great fun and I think everyone will enjoy it.

Lancaster plays a Secret Service agent is driven crazy as he tries to track down a counterfeiter who has eluded the government for years and Gwenn's performance is a delight. His rationale for counterfeiting makes perfect sense, but drives a judge and Lancaster crazy.

The movie is dated with the passage of time, but it is fascinating to see how the Secret Service of the day tracked down counterfeiters and the New York of the early 50s.

I also seem to recall this movie had an Oscar nomination too, but I could be wrong.

george senda martinez, ca
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